Sunday 10 April 2011

He Lives In My Praise


Psalm 22:3 (KJV) But thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praises of your people.

I have to say that often I am thankful for my church heritage and upbringing. The first church I ever went to was not exactly like Southside that I attend now, let’s just say it was a little more conservative. - Never mind, it was the polar opposite of Southside!! At this church they always read from the King James Version, because it’s the only real bible you know - just kidding.  However, if I had never had exposure to the King James I might have missed this verse. - So props to Victoria Gospel Hall!!

Lately I have felt the Lord impressing this verse on me. (Psalm 22:3)  I am still trying to passionately wait on the Lord and in this verse I find one of my first keys to waiting with passion - Praise the Lord!!   When I praise the Lord, through song, or prayer or meditation of his word I feel Him draw near to me. James 4: 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. 

There is an amazing, supernatural thing happening here. By praising God, no matter my circumstances, I am consciously handing over my will, my emotions, my worries, my guilt, my shame and I am being obedient to my Heavenly Father. By doing this I give God the permission to work miraculously in my life.

The challenge I have is to praise Him in all circumstances: When I have messed up and sinned, when I am worried about money, when I am angry with my spouse, when I feel shame for things in my past, when my work isn’t going the way I want it to. In these times God hasn’t changed, just my circumstances and my attitude, so why shouldn’t I still praise Him? Last time I checked he is still the King of Kings and He still died for me.

What a great promise this is to me! If I Praise my Heavenly Father he will draw near to me. When I praise Him he is there. When I praise him I invite Him to work in all my circumstances.

"Lord, thank you that you love me and that you care about me. Help me Lord to give you praise in all my circumstances and forgive me when I don’t, when things don’t seem to being going the way I think they should. You are the same yesterday today and forever, no matter what is going on in my life. Thank you that you draw near to me when I draw near to you."


  1. Love it hun. Very proud of you. Keep it up, it helps me to focus on God better right now. One thing though, what's this about "angry at my spouse" thing? How can you be angry with perfection? ;)
