Thursday 14 April 2011

Sculpted from Nothing into Something

# 6

Psalm 139 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!

Reading this Psalm today, and after listening to the song I have posted today, I was struck by something. David says: “you formed me...I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration....” David is so impressed by what a great creation he himself is that he worships God for it. I know for me, and I am sure lots of us, that we don’t exactly feel so beautiful; beautiful enough to worship God for anyways – But this is exactly what David does. Now, Lorilee often tells me that David must have been a hottie and she is going to look him up first when she gets to heaven, so maybe this only applies to David – But I think there is more to it then that. David didn’t exactly lead a pure life, and I don’t think he is talking about his good looks, but he still was impressed by how God had formed him, impressed enough to worship God.

I went back and re-read Psalm 139 again. The whole theme of this Psalm is that God knows everything about us....Lord you searched me, you know my thoughts, you know what I am going to do, you know what I am going to say, your all around me, I cant get away from you, you created my soul, you put me together, I am an open book to you!

What a Scary and amazing thought - God knows every impure thought I have, every bad attitude, everything I do in secret, everything I want to say but don’t and He loves me!

He knows every disappointment I have had, every failure, all the guilt I carry and He pursues me.

He knows every bad decision I have made, every time I turned from Him, every time I ignored him and He is jealous for me.

He knows every heartbreak, every time I hurt someone and every time I wanted to just give up and He weeps over me, He dances over me, He is my Abba Father, and He died for me!! I must be beautiful in His eyes!!

This may be partly why David worshiped in adoration, and it is a big reason I passionately wait on Him now and worship! David got a small glimpse of His Fathers heart, as I did today. A Father who knit me together from the inside out. He didn’t just give me life, he shaped me from the inside out, my character, my personality, my bent, my passions, He created those first and he dances over me!

Lord I praise you because you love me. I love you because you first loved me. This sounds self serving Lord, but it is the truth, you know everything about me and you love me, how I can not love you back?! I praise you Lord, help me to see the beauty in all of your people, for they are beautiful too!”

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